Manufacturing in the Midwest is Making a Comeback


  By this point, we’re all pretty familiar with a standard narrative surrounding Midwestern manufacturing: though the region was once the industrial heartland of the country, the times have changed, and economic hardship has fallen upon many “rust belt” cities. … Continued

Build to Stock Manufacturing and ERP


In today’s world, nearly all manufacturers use some sort of ERP system–regardless of whether that company tends to build to order, or build to stock.  However, there are a few special reasons why build-to stock-manufacturers should consider investing in a … Continued

Manufacturing by Industry: Electronics


Electronics manufacturing encompasses a wide variety of productions–from optoelectronics to circuit boards, and everything in between.  Though the industry is diverse and multi-faceted, one constant is important for all types of business: smart, efficient management. The SMARTer Manager system can … Continued

Made-to-Order Manufacturing


Made-to-order manufacturing (also known as built to order manufacturing) is the oldest model for manufacturing businesses.  As the name implies, made to order manufacturing businesses begin building their products upon receiving an order—generally allowing for customized specifications.  This makes the … Continued

What is Manufacturing Overhead?


In every manufacturing enterprise there are three basic costs that must be immediately considered as an owner assigns a value to a product.  First, there are the direct material costs. This refers to the cost of the “raw materials” that … Continued

What is Manufacturing Cost and Nonmanufacturing Cost?


In the process of making a product, there are three basic expenses: direct material cost, direct labor cost, and manufacturing overhead cost. The sum of these three costs is referred to as the “manufacturing cost” of a product. This total … Continued

When in Rome: Why Small and Medium Sized Businesses Must Keep Up with the Times


The Houston Chronicle reports that one of the main disadvantages faced by small businesses is the fact that they oftentimes do not have the “advanced technology” possessed by their larger competitors.  Using sub-par technology hurts efficiency, lowers customer satisfaction, and … Continued