Made-to-order manufacturing (also known as built to order manufacturing) is the oldest model for manufacturing businesses. As the name implies, made to order manufacturing businesses begin building their products upon receiving an order—generally allowing for customized specifications. This makes the made-to-order model especially efficient for businesses that make valuable products that lend themselves to customization (cars, aircraft, certain types of medical technology, etc.)
Made-to-order manufacturing and ERP
Because made-to-order manufacturing generally deals with lower volume products, the need for ERP and other manufacturing management software is less evident. That being said, there are a few important factors that must be taken into account. First of all, simply because a business creates made-to-order products does not mean that each and every component of those final products are complex or high-value. Those components, therefore, are most likely produced on a more traditional rapid-fire schedule that requires close, automated supervision. Moreover, just because a business deals with low volume doesn’t mean that production should not be carefully and efficiently tracked. Finally, it’s important to remember that ERP software can help with a whole lot more than just production control and inventory–the SMARTer Manager system offers a wide array of capabilities ranging from cost control, real-time tracking, and even the ability to link customers directly to production (which should come in especially useful for made-to-order businesses, which frequently deal with customization.)
Getting Started
Adopting ERP software doesn’t have to be a tumultuous process! Though we’ve all heard horror stories about businesses that failed to adapt to new software, the SMe Software team is highly experienced and trained to make the adoption process as smooth as possible. Though every business is different, it is true across the board that ERP software can greatly improve efficiency and productivity–after all, that’s what it’s designed to do! Contact SMe Software for more information on how the SMARTer Manager system can help you!