What Do Industry Leaders Look for in Warehousing and Distribution Software?


In today’s high-tech world, there are software solutions for virtually every issue imaginable. As the famous slogan goes: ”there’s an app for that!” The challenge, (as anyone who’s ever downloaded a crummy app from the play store knows) is finding … Continued

Discrete Manufacturing: Why Software Matters


What do yachts, smartphones, children’s toys, and refrigerators all have in common? They are all products of discrete manufacturing. Discrete manufacturing creates items that are easily distinguishable and can be broken down into their component parts. Discrete manufacturing is distinguished … Continued

3 Critical Solutions Offered by SMe Software


Here at SMe Software, we pride ourselves in helping small and medium-sized manufacturing companies improve their efficiency and overall function with our unique and carefully designed programs. With nearly thirty years of experience in the industry, we have tailored our … Continued

Women in Manufacturing


    Here at SMe software, we think it’s important to dismantle stereotypes and misconceptions about the manufacturing industry. For example, we recently published an article debunking the oft repeated narrative that Midwestern manufacturers are a dying breed–and focused on … Continued

State of Louisiana’s Manufacturing Data – Fat Tuesday


What better day than #FatTuesday to take a look at the State of Louisiana’s Manufacturing Data? The State of Louisiana’s Manufacturing Data continues to grow. Louisiana’s export economy in 2014 reached $45.94 billion dollars in manufactured goods with 84.5% coming from … Continued

US Manufacturing


  Manufacturing has been important to the United States throughout the 20th and 21st centuries–even if that history has had its ups and downs. The 50’s and 60’s are generally considered to be the heyday of US manufacturing, as they … Continued

Build to Stock Manufacturing and ERP


In today’s world, nearly all manufacturers use some sort of ERP system–regardless of whether that company tends to build to order, or build to stock.  However, there are a few special reasons why build-to stock-manufacturers should consider investing in a … Continued

What is Manufacturing Overhead?


In every manufacturing enterprise there are three basic costs that must be immediately considered as an owner assigns a value to a product.  First, there are the direct material costs. This refers to the cost of the “raw materials” that … Continued

What is Manufacturing Cost and Nonmanufacturing Cost?


In the process of making a product, there are three basic expenses: direct material cost, direct labor cost, and manufacturing overhead cost. The sum of these three costs is referred to as the “manufacturing cost” of a product. This total … Continued

35 Years of U.S. Manufacturing Data

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Nice graphical representation of the U.S. Manufacturing industry. The Total Manufacturing numbers for the U.S. have had a 127.10% gain since 1980, fantastic! Yes, the face of the U. S. manufacturing industry continues to change but the strength of U.S. … Continued