A Look at US Manufacturing Statistics


According to the June report on US Manufacturing Statistics manufacturing remains strong and hit its highest for 2014. New orders for US manufacturing sectors in automobiles, computers, chemicals and other products caused the index to reach 55.3%. American manufacturers don’t … Continued



Tags: veterans Many veterans of the armed forces have developed skills in the service that extend way beyond their military careers — and that make them great potential manufacturers.  Recognizing this opportunity for veterans and employers, the Manufacturing Institute and “a … Continued

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Guest Writer Want to share your ideas about the manufacturing business or a related subject? Be a guest writer. Guest writers receive no monetary compensation from ShopTalk.com, however, they get to influence the manufacturing business by submitting articles based on … Continued

3 MRP Software Features Manufacturers Don’t Want To Miss Out On


  3 MRP Software Features Manufacturers Don’t Want To Miss Out On   Material Requirements Planning (MRP) has been a cornerstone of manufacturing ever since manufacturers realized they need a way to bridge together their accounting and their inventory forecasting. … Continued

A Great Article that offers a view into the Manufacturing Engineering Workforce


I’ve been posting about manufacturing returning to the United States and the concern over whether the manufacturing industry will be able to handle the load due to a shortage of skilled workers. I read this article, A glimpse into the Engineering … Continued

Reshoring Could Create 2-3 Million Jobs by End of Decade


I’m reading another article on reshoring, or bringing manufacturing back to the U.S. This article is particularly interesting because it talks about the possibility that reshoring could create 2 to 3 million new jobs by the end of the decade. … Continued